Thursday, January 3, 2019

Best Hollywood Smile Dental Clinic in Lebanon

A Hollywood smile is the process of improving color and shape of your teeth. For this Porcelain, veneers treatment is the best option. Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells of enamel-like porcelain that are handcrafted by Lebanese dental ceramists and then permanently bonded to the front of the teeth.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Your Vacation To-Do List

Summer is a great time to get away from it all. Whether driving to a scenic campground or flying to an exotic locale, one thing is certain: You don’t want to deal with dental problems while on vacation. So among the first things on your vacation to-do list should be to see Dr. Joe Karam for a free consultation before you leave or consult any Dental Clinic in Lebanon.

Your Lebanese dentist can:

check for loose fillings or loose cops treat decayed or chipped teeth and check sensitive teeth
or other known dental problems you may have.
And if you’ve been putting off a root canal procedure, take care of that before you leave. The last place you want it to become an emergency is far from home.

Be sure to schedule your dental visit early enough in any dental clinics in Lebanon so that any necessary follow-up treatments can be completed.

To ensure a big smile in your vacation photos, make sure your teeth are in great shape before you leave home, and don’t forget to pack your toothbrush!
Enjoy your vacation! 
Dr. Joe Karam
Cosmetic Dentist in Lebanon
Call us for a free consultation : +961 71944843

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Important Reasons for Dental Consultations

A dental consultation is a non-invasive visit with your dental care provider like Dr. Joe Dental Clinic in Lebanon , where you can discuss your issues, concerns, and treatment options. We at Dr. Joe Karam Dental Clinic offer free consultations, though others do ask for a small consultation fee to cover their time. If you’re considering any major dental procedure, a consultation is a good idea, and can be important for several reasons. 

Exploring Your Options

Most dental problems have a variety of possible solutions. You should choose your approach based on your budget, comfort level, and cosmetic desires. If you’re scheduling dental restoration, you’ll find that there are both direct and indirect treatment options available. A direct restoration restores the existing tooth by inserting a filling material into the damaged area. Tooth fillings are available in several materials. You can have a cavity filled with gold, silver amalgam, porcelain, plastic, composite resin, or a glass ionomer.

An indirect restoration covers the damaged tooth with an onlay, inlay, or crown. These are available in various materials as well, including gold, porcelain, and composite resins. If you’re missing one or more teeth, you can opt for dental implants or explore non-implant options like removable partial dentures, a tooth-supported fixed bridge, or a resin-bonded bridge.

During your consultation, Dr. Joe Karam will help you explore all the options available to you. Dr. Joe Karam  will ask leading questions to help you determine which approach is best for your personal needs. You’re not required to schedule a procedure after your consultation. If one of our dentists doesn’t offer the service that you want, this is the time to move on and explore Dr. Joe Karam Dental Clinic in Beirut . You deserve to get the care and treatment that’s the best fit for you.

Understanding the Procedure

Some dental procedures are quite complex. Before you settle into the chair for the complete treatment, it’s important to know what’s ahead. Your consultation is the perfect time to ask all your questions and a get a detailed explanation of what will take place while you’re in the chair. In many cases, our dentists can offer a helpful visual, using tooth models and product samples to help you better understand each step of the procedure. If you’re nervous, this may also help to ease some of your tension or fear.

Checking Your Eligibility

Dental care is highly personalized. Each person and each tooth is different, and decay or damage can happen in various ways. A treatment that worked wonders for one person may be impossible for another, though their situations may look similar to a casual observer. Other health conditions outside the mouth may even affect your eligibility for certain procedures as well. Discuss all health problems and medications with your dentist at the consultation, so you don’t arrive for a procedure only to find that you can’t complete it that day.

Some examples: If you’re taking blood thinners, for example, you may need to stop the medication briefly to prevent excessive bleeding during the procedure. Patients with certain heart problems are advised to take antibiotics before having dental work. If you have heart disease, discuss this with Dr. Joe Karam to determine whether antibiotics are necessary for your treatment. Pregnancy will impact both your dental health and the approach you take to restorations or other treatments. So, tell Dr. Joe Karam about any conditions or suspected conditions, including if you’re pregnant or plan to become pregnant.

Providing Additional Care Tips

Proper dental care seems straightforward, but many patients are missing key elements of their dental care routine. You may brush daily, but find that you’re not using the best toothpaste for your individual needs. Perhaps you floss regularly but aren’t aware of the proper method for getting around tricky tooth formations.

A consultation is one of the best times to address regular dental care issues. Dr. Joe Karam can offer a wealth of information and advice that will help you properly care for and protect your teeth. This is particularly important if you’re considering a major restorative dental procedure. You want to ensure that your refreshed smile gets proper care and attention so you can protect not just your newly restored teeth, but also your new implant, filling, denture, veneers, or other feature.

Exploring Payment Options

Some dental procedures come with a high price tag. At your consultation,r. Joe Karam will be happy to discuss payment options and our administrative staff will be happy to contact your insurance provider, if you have one, to determine what portion of the bill you’re responsible for. Our Dental clinic in Lebanon will typically provide one, but if not, you should request a written estimate for the procedure into our website. If you don’t feel that you can pay the sum in one visit, ask about payment plans. 

A dental consultation gives you a better idea of what’s ahead and how to proceed. You can consult with Dr. Joe Karam to get a well-rounded view of the issue and available treatments, or move forward and schedule your procedure if you feel confident after the first meeting. But either way, a consultation visit should give you all the information you need.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth

1- Sugary Candies and Sweets
if you must have sweets, go for those that dissolve quickly in your mouth. Candies that stick around (like lollipops, caramels, jelly beans and hard candies), make it difficult for saliva to wash the sugar away. Snacks like cookies, cakes or other desserts contain a high amount of sugar as well, which can cause tooth decay over time. If you can't resist your sweets, eat them as dessert after a main meal instead of several times a day between meals. And when possible, brush your teeth after eating anything sweet.

2- Starchy, Refined Carbs
Chips, bread, pasta or crackers can be just as harmful to the teeth as candy. Starches made from white flour are simple carbohydrates and can linger in your mouth and break down into simple sugars. Bacteria, in turn, feed on these sugars and produce acid, which causes tooth decay.

3- Carbonated Soft Drinks
Not only does pop contain a high amount of sugar, but both regular and diet pop also contain the mineral phosphorus, as well as carbonation that wear away and thin the enamel on your teeth. Over time, drinking a lot of pop can also cause teeth to become darker and more yellow. Bottled iced teas and lemonade, for example, are some of the biggest offenders.

4- Fruit Juice
although fruit is an important part of a healthy diet, fruit juice can cause problems for your teeth. If your favorite store-bought juices are loaded with sugar, your teeth can wear down. If you regularly drink fruit juices, use a straw to avoid a having a large amount of liquid in your mouth at once.

5- Honey and Dried Fruits

Honey is delicious, but if it is consumed regularly it can cause tooth decay. The same goes for dried fruits like raisins, apricots, pineapple, etc. Dried fruit has highly concentrated sugars, and its gummy-like texture can cling to teeth just like candy.


1- Fiber-Rich Fruits And Veggies

High-fiber foods work like a detergent in the mouth, not only physically “scrubbing” the teeth, but also stimulating saliva flow. Saliva is the mouth’s first line of defense, because it neutralizes tooth-damaging acids, and contains calcium and phosphates that help rebuild minerals leached away by bacterial acids. Try fruits and vegetables with a high water content like apples, carrots and celery to clean plaque from teeth and freshen breath.

2- Water
Are you really surprised with this one? When it comes to oral health, water is indispensable. It’s the primary component of saliva, and is important to both tooth and gum health.

3- Dairy Products
the calcium, phosphates and vitamin D in cheese, milk and other dairy products are important minerals for oral health. Your teeth are made mostly of calcium, and without enough in your diet, you lower your resistance and increase your risk of developing tooth decay and other problems. Are you vegan? There are many calcium-fortified juices, soy milks and other foods available that can supply as much calcium to your diet as milk does.

4- Green And Black Teas
Green and black teas contain compounds called polyphones that interact with plaque and uppress harmful bacteria, preventing them from growing or producing tooth-attacking acid. This not only helps to prevent cavities, but also reduces inflammation and the chances of gum disease.

5- Nuts
Many nuts provide vitamins and minerals that help your teeth. These include peanuts (calcium and vitamin D), almonds (high levels of calcium that help both teeth and gums), cashews (stimulate saliva and help clean teeth) and walnuts (fiber, folic acid, iron, thiamine, magnesium, iron, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin B6, potassium and zinc).

Monday, May 14, 2018

Celebrity smile secrets

Movie stars have that something special about them – a certain air, a twinkle in the eye, and a pretty face. But while their smiles are always stunning, they’re not necessarily the ones they were born with. In fact, cosmetic dentistry in Lebanon has graced more faces than you might realize. Expert dental work in Lebanon dental clinics just isn’t recognizable as anything other than natural.

While we may not have celebrity patients (although they’re all stars in our eyes), that’s the kind of dental treatment that we strive to provide at Dr. Joe Karam dental clinic in Lebanon. With the right procedure, your teeth skyrocket to the next level. We all deserve Hollywood smiles in Lebanon, even if we don’t have the fame. A beautiful grin makes you more confident, capable, and even successful, and one of the treatments below could be right for you. 

Celebrity Cosmetic Dentistry – How Stars Perfect Their Smiles

Plenty of the biggest names haven’t always had perfect teeth. Instead, they’ve found ways to improve their teeth as their success has grown and allowed them to take time for treatment. Some of the procedures below have likely had a hand in their dental metamorphoses – here’s why they work so well:

Porcelain veneers in Lebanon – Veneers are thin, v-shaped pieces of porcelain that are bonded to your natural teeth. They’re so thin that they fit right into your smile and don’t add bulk to your teeth or make your them seem misshapen. They appear similar to natural enamel instead of standing out as dental work. A full set of veneers can completely transform a smile, changing the shape, size, shade, or symmetry of your front teeth. When a famous face suddenly sports a tailored smile, veneers are often the source we provide at Dr. Joe Dental Clinic in Lebanon.

Dental bonding in Lebanon – Bonding is simpler and more affordable than veneers, because it’s completed in a single appointment at our dental Clinic and all done chair side (no dental lab or waiting period involved). Applying dental composite to exposed tooth roots or gaps between teeth will allow you to cover flaws and tweak your grin without a big commitment. A great option for quick fixes that last!

Invisalign in Lebanon– Straight teeth are something we all want, but that few of us naturally possess. Even if we get braces as kids, lack of retainer wear, receding gums, or tooth loss will likely lead to shifting teeth and the return of a crooked grin. Invisalign is ideal for many patients with a mild to moderate malocclusion. It allows them to quietly straighten their teeth without making treatment obvious to those around them. Adults in the public eye are especially anxious about admitting to orthodontic treatment. But Invisalign allows them to take action without fear.

Crowns in Lebanon –
When a tooth is worn or damaged, veneers or bonding aren’t enough to rebuild. Porcelain crowns create new tooth structure and strengthen your smile. Many adults find that their teeth haven’t held up as well as they’d like over the years. Choosing crowns at Drr. Joe Dental Clinic gives them a second chance at a happy, beautiful smile.
Dental implants in Lebanon– While tooth loss is declining, it’s still a significant problem for Lebanese adults. Periodontal disease is usually the cause, but a continued decline for your smile doesn’t need to be the result. Even celebrities fall prey to dental problems. When they do, implants allow them to restore entire teeth in the most secure and health-conscious way possible.

Copying The Stars’ Cosmetic Treatments

Of course, your perfect smile isn’t as simple as finding a specific procedure. Achieving natural-cosmetic dental work does involve the right treatment for your needs, but it also requires open communication and a talented cosmetic dentist as Dr. Joe Karam is always ready to give you the best hollywood smile in Lebanon. Check out some examples of Dr. Joe Karam  work to get inspired, and start brainstorming your own smile changes. This could be the year you unleash your most confident hollywood smile ever.

Best Hollywood Smile Dental Clinic in Lebanon

A Hollywood smile is the process of improving color and shape of your teeth. For this Porcelain, veneers treatment is the best option. Por...