Monday, May 14, 2018

Celebrity smile secrets

Movie stars have that something special about them – a certain air, a twinkle in the eye, and a pretty face. But while their smiles are always stunning, they’re not necessarily the ones they were born with. In fact, cosmetic dentistry in Lebanon has graced more faces than you might realize. Expert dental work in Lebanon dental clinics just isn’t recognizable as anything other than natural.

While we may not have celebrity patients (although they’re all stars in our eyes), that’s the kind of dental treatment that we strive to provide at Dr. Joe Karam dental clinic in Lebanon. With the right procedure, your teeth skyrocket to the next level. We all deserve Hollywood smiles in Lebanon, even if we don’t have the fame. A beautiful grin makes you more confident, capable, and even successful, and one of the treatments below could be right for you. 

Celebrity Cosmetic Dentistry – How Stars Perfect Their Smiles

Plenty of the biggest names haven’t always had perfect teeth. Instead, they’ve found ways to improve their teeth as their success has grown and allowed them to take time for treatment. Some of the procedures below have likely had a hand in their dental metamorphoses – here’s why they work so well:

Porcelain veneers in Lebanon – Veneers are thin, v-shaped pieces of porcelain that are bonded to your natural teeth. They’re so thin that they fit right into your smile and don’t add bulk to your teeth or make your them seem misshapen. They appear similar to natural enamel instead of standing out as dental work. A full set of veneers can completely transform a smile, changing the shape, size, shade, or symmetry of your front teeth. When a famous face suddenly sports a tailored smile, veneers are often the source we provide at Dr. Joe Dental Clinic in Lebanon.

Dental bonding in Lebanon – Bonding is simpler and more affordable than veneers, because it’s completed in a single appointment at our dental Clinic and all done chair side (no dental lab or waiting period involved). Applying dental composite to exposed tooth roots or gaps between teeth will allow you to cover flaws and tweak your grin without a big commitment. A great option for quick fixes that last!

Invisalign in Lebanon– Straight teeth are something we all want, but that few of us naturally possess. Even if we get braces as kids, lack of retainer wear, receding gums, or tooth loss will likely lead to shifting teeth and the return of a crooked grin. Invisalign is ideal for many patients with a mild to moderate malocclusion. It allows them to quietly straighten their teeth without making treatment obvious to those around them. Adults in the public eye are especially anxious about admitting to orthodontic treatment. But Invisalign allows them to take action without fear.

Crowns in Lebanon –
When a tooth is worn or damaged, veneers or bonding aren’t enough to rebuild. Porcelain crowns create new tooth structure and strengthen your smile. Many adults find that their teeth haven’t held up as well as they’d like over the years. Choosing crowns at Drr. Joe Dental Clinic gives them a second chance at a happy, beautiful smile.
Dental implants in Lebanon– While tooth loss is declining, it’s still a significant problem for Lebanese adults. Periodontal disease is usually the cause, but a continued decline for your smile doesn’t need to be the result. Even celebrities fall prey to dental problems. When they do, implants allow them to restore entire teeth in the most secure and health-conscious way possible.

Copying The Stars’ Cosmetic Treatments

Of course, your perfect smile isn’t as simple as finding a specific procedure. Achieving natural-cosmetic dental work does involve the right treatment for your needs, but it also requires open communication and a talented cosmetic dentist as Dr. Joe Karam is always ready to give you the best hollywood smile in Lebanon. Check out some examples of Dr. Joe Karam  work to get inspired, and start brainstorming your own smile changes. This could be the year you unleash your most confident hollywood smile ever.

Best Hollywood Smile Dental Clinic in Lebanon

A Hollywood smile is the process of improving color and shape of your teeth. For this Porcelain, veneers treatment is the best option. Por...